Please make sure you stick to these processes

I will have everyone’s details for track and trace, if they change please let me know.

Observe social distancing at all times, including outside.

Use the far door which will be left open.

Sanitise hands upon entry and exit. No unnecessary moving around.

There are places marked on the floor for your mats, please use them.

The heaters will be on with the opened doors and windows, lights etc will also be on so that no one else needs to move around to do or touch them – if you’d like something changing please let me know.

Note that the windows will be left open so if you can wear layers of clothing it might be a good idea, so that you’re warm enough but can remove a layer if you get warm 🙂

Only one person to use the toilet and passageway at once, remain in the hall until you know it’s free. Wear a mask. Sanitise before using the toilet and wash your hands afterwards, use paper towel to use the door and place in the bin in the hall.

Avoid the kitchen if possible.

Stay at home if you have ANY symptoms.

Thank you!